Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Losing weight can be hard

Everyone knows that losing weight is not easy.  In order to be successful, you must be prepared to work hard and sacrifice some of your favourite foods.
Some people take on too much though and start a diet that is either too food restrictive or the calorie consumption is too low that they inevitably fail.  These people then spend months battling with the diet spending one week following the diet to the letter and the next giving in to all their impulses. Continuing in this way will almost certainly mean that there is no weight loss and sometimes weight can be gained.  Nothing is more frustrating than to see that you are gaining weight again when still putting in so much effort.
People therefore nee to be in a position to benefit from their failure. By being prepared, you have to create a game plan to get back on track right without beating yourself up and devastating your self-esteem.  Some people find that they give themselves one meal a week when they can indulge in their cravings, others are strict with themselves during the week but let their hair down a little at the weekend.  Others get angry at themselves at giving into a craving that they become even more determined to succeed.  The best thing however is not to treat one failure as the end of your diet and to continue with your goal.
If you are like me, you look at celebrities that seem to have dropped sizes in what seems like a day when in reality, they have been dieting for some time and have been working out on a daily basis.  Most people featured in magazines that have followed well known diets again have been dieting for many months if not years.  It is easy to look at the before and after pictures and read their story and for it to seem like they have achieved their goal with little effort.  In reality however this is not the case!!!
Without effort and action, no one will succeed when dieting.  It is very unfortunate but we are unable to wish our weight away. We all have to work at it and we must be prepared for those times when we will inevitably slip up.  At this stage we must not give in or beat ourselves up about it but must pick ourselves up, put it down to a moment of weakness and move on.
As long as you prepare yourself for the demand and the commitment needed when dieting, there is no reason why you cannot achieve your ultimate goal.


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