Saturday, December 1, 2012

Large Pore Treatments – Home Remedies

Large Pore Treatments – Home Remedies
Enlarged pores can cause your complexion to be very unattractive and unsightly. The two main causes of larger pores are your age and unfortunately genetics. Large pores are likely to run in your family, so if you have an immediate family member who suffered with large pores when they were young, the chances are you will too.
Pores are imperative to skin to provide it with natural oil keeping your skin’s moisture up so it remains soft, supple and youthful looking. Pores become a problem once they become inflamed or blocked with dirt and bacteria making them expand more than normal and resulting in noticeable pores. If you were born very oily thick skin, your pores will be more conspicuous.
Pores can never really be shrunk per sé, but they can be made a lot less prominent. Age, exposure to too much sunlight and a decrease in the skin’s elasticity can cause the pores to dilate. When your skin thickens, tiny cells collect around the edge of the pores which gives them an enlarged appearance. Blackheads promote large pores as when the pores become blocked with dirt and bacteria; oil within the pore starts to collect which makes the width of the pore expand.
There are no permanent methods of shrinking large pores but cleansing the pores of all the excess dirt, debris and bacteria will reduce their visibility greatly.  Listed below are some excellent, natural home treatments for pores that anyone can implement to reduce the appearance of open pores.

·       Apply tomato juice onto the skin regularly with a cotton wool ball for about 20 minutes. This effectively helps to reduce the size of the pores by shrinking them.  Tomato juice mixed with calamine powder or sandalwood powder helps to tone up the skin helping reducing the size of the pores. It will also help to reduce the production of sebum resulting in smaller pores.

·       Whipped egg white mixed with a little lemon juice when applied as a face pack is excellent for improving skin tone, complexion and helps to reduce pore size. 

·       Mashed papaya applied on the skin helps in toning the pores. You can directly apply a mashes papaya on your skin or can put it on cotton wool and gently cleanse the skin. When you are ready to remove the papaya simply rinse your face with luke- warm water.

·         Honey is very medicinal and has many health giving properties and is excellent for the skin.  Honey reduces oiliness in the skin and helps to tone up the pores. It can either be used as part of a facemask with a little lemon and sugar added to it or applied straight to the skin and massaged gently before rinsing off after a few minutes.

·         A quick an fuss free way to minimise pores, especially If you are going out and do not have much time is to rub an ice cube wrapped in a cloth over the offending area. This quickly shrinks the pore and reduces the production of oil temporarily for a few hours.

Clear Skin MAX

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